This is a home page of Japan Go Society for spreading the mini Go of 9x9 board, which can be enjoyed by visually impaired people.
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For blind and visually impaired people,
Black and white stones can be identified
with a mark on them. The go board has holes
to keep and fix stones, and each stone can
be positioned by touching lines with finger.
Touching lines and stones with finger enables
the visually impaired to imagine a stone
layout and enjoy a game with anyone (the
Japan Go Society for the Visually Impaired was established in October, 1993. The Society has provided special go game sets (9x9 board) and go textbooks in braille points, dispatched instructors to teach how to play go and made efforts to spread go for visual impaired people. holding national go game contests.
To visually impaired individuals : We are ready to assist the visually impaired individuals who are interested in playing 9x9 board go. Please contact us as we would like to consult how to support you according to your address. Our office address and telephone number are shown on the outline of the association.
Information on the Price of Igo Set
We are selling the Igo set at actual cost to private owners.
The payment is applied to the production cost.
Information on the price and specifications is as follows;
Price: 8,000Yen for one set (Delivery cost is not included)
Dimensions: Board 32x32cm, Weight 770g, Materials: Steel plate and Aluminum
Stones: Diameter: 23mm, Thickness:5mm, Material: Plastic
White and Black stones: 45 pieces each, A plastic case is attached for
Total weight 1200g
The picture shows the Igo set.
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